Sunday, 29 May 2011

Science Facts

  1. Your brain is 80% water.
  2. Research indicates that plants grow healthier when they are stroked.
  3. The only letter not appearing on the Periodic Table is the letter "J".
  4. Stannous fluoride, which is the cavity fighter found in toothpaste is made from recycled tin.
  5. Most dust particles in your house are actually pieces of dead skin!
  6. Iron weighs more after it rusts.
  7. Because heat expands the metal, the Eiffel Tower always leans away from the sun.
  8. A ball of glass will bounce higher than a ball made of rubber.
  9. A lump of pure gold the size of a matchbox can be flattened into a sheet the size of a tennis court.

Thursday, 26 May 2011

Language Facts

  1. WAS IT A CAR OR A CAT I SAW.. 'WASITACARORACATISAW'.. This is the only English sentence which even if we read in reverse, it'll give the same sentence.
  2. 'Go', is the shortest complete sentence in the English language.
  3. Stressed is Desserts spelled backwards.
  4. The word Tips is actually an acronym standing for 'To Insure Prompt Service'.
  5. The longest word in the English language is pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconioses!
  6. The distress code 'Mayday' comes from the French for help me, M'Aide!
  7. 'Vodka' is Russian for 'little water'.